Power-Point Presentations and Workshops Offered by Philip Sugden
Visions From The Fields of Merit:
This power-point lecture by artist Philip Sugden, presents spectacular images drawn and photographed by the artist on location in Tibet and the Himalaya, and offers the audience insight into his creative process, personal symbolism, and philosophy. The artist will share some of the humorous, as well as instructive experiences he had while drawing on location on the “Roof of the World.” Using images of his location drawings and studio work, Sugden also describes the transformation that occurs to his work after returning to the studio. If there is not a coinciding exhibition of his work, Sugden will bring several examples of original works for the audience to view.
The Last Dance at Drigung Dundro; The Tibetan Sky Burial:
The head lama at Drigung Monastery in Central Tibet invited Philip, along with writer, Carole Elchert, to attend and photograph a sky burial at one of the most sacred burial sites in Tibet. Mr. Sugden is one of the few Westerner to actually have participated in the ritual itself. This 30-minute power-point talk introduces the audience to the traditional Tibetan sky burial rite from the first prayers in the courtyard of the monastery to the final mantras. Copies of an article by the same title, written by Philip and published in The Explorers Journal, will be made available to members of the audience. This presentation is half-an-hour in length and is usually offered in conjuction with one of the longer presentations.
Personal Mandala Workshop:
This three/four hour workshop begins with a Power-point presentation introducing the workshop members to the meaning and use of the mandala in world cultures and belief systems. The workshop continues with a visualization exercise designed to introduce the participants to the ancient practice of seeing and experiencing themselves as the center of a larger sphere. Members will then begin the process of creating their own personal mandala through a series of instructions. Sugden will take participants through a step-by-step process. This is an experience of self discovery through the creative process.